As many of you have realized, I have not updated this blog for some time - actually since my resolution to update more frequently. It's about time I came clean about my long absence. For the past several months, I have been living in an psychiatric hospital.
"But Sri," you say, "I've seen you out and about. I've been to your apartment!" And you'd be right. Luckily for me, the hospital (Shippig Haven) has a pretty liberal day-pass policy. The apartment can be explained simply by my family's attempt to save face, to maintain the facade of a normal life for me. A kind but ultimately misguided effort.
The thing is, I'm tired of treating this like a dirty little secret. I now realize that creating a shrine full of Felicia Day pictures, including authentic long-range shots (props from Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog, wink wink) was wrong. And that wearing a red wig I had fashioned out of clippings from the dumpster behind her hairdresser's while reciting lines from The Guild was neither healthy nor hygienic. I know all this now, and am ready to move on with my life.
The first step in my recovery was admitting that I had a problem. The final step was admitting it to all of you. Thank you in advance for your words of compassion and support. At last I feel ready to reenter the world as a new, more balanced, Sri.
So, has anyone watched Dragon Age: Redemption yet?
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