Oct 26, 2009

And by "fun" I mean...

While in Hawaii, I did two things purely for fun. I went to the Waikiki Aquarium and the Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor. This is my idea of a good time: educational activities and solemn remembrance. In my defense, I didn't have a lot of time away from the conference. And since I didn't have a rental car I had to walk/bus it everywhere. So the Great Public Transportation Experiment continued even in Waikiki.

A word on the Hawaii bus system - it's awesome. There are tons of routes, so you never have to wait very long for a bus. Automatic overhead announcements give you the cross streets and major landmarks. And the drivers (like pretty much everyone I met in Waikiki) are super friendly. You know hapless tourists are pestering them with questions 24/7, but they patiently answer with a smile and a cheerful "mahalo!"

So it was no problem for me and Baby Genius to catch a bus to the aquarium. I suggested (read: demanded) that we go there, since I love aquariums. Sea creatures are so beautiful and serene. Also, I have this idea that fish don't really know they're in captivity, which makes going to an aquarium much more enjoyable than going to the zoo. The Waikiki Aquarium is smallish, but they had some cool exhibits. These included the oldest giant clam known to man and a couple of adorable seals.

These clams were as big as your face ... but they are tiny compared to the real deal.

Cuteness... overload... I'll have to finish with my account of the USS Arizona in another post.


Kris Spisak said...

The Waikiki bus system is amazing! I totally agree. But what isn't easy and wonderful on those islands? ... besides the six-foot spotted eels that sneak out of caves and try to eat you when you're snorkeling... or maybe they don't try to eat you, but they stare at you menacingly... or maybe they aren't staring at you menacingly, but you know they would if they could narrow their eyes...

Glad to hear you had a great trip!

Monkey Sri said...

Ha! I did some eels at the aquarium. And while only I was looking, one of them SWAM BACKWARDS. It was then I realized that we would never be safe from those crafty bastards. Thanks for the comment :)